Healing Today with Robert Buhrow, LMFT
Healing Today with Robert Buhrow, LMFT
Couples, Marriage, Trauma, Addictions Counseling
Addictions, Couples/Marriage counseling in Tennessee and California

(865) 910-1043; (213) 910-7440
Marriage Counseling, Anxiety Management, Trauma, & Addiction
Treatment in Tennessee/California
I am currently seeing clients via Telephonic/Telemedicine for those in need. I am using the video format on PsychologyToday to allow a more personal and secure format. Prepay of session cost or copay will be done via Zelle/PayPal. Times are flexible. Some insurances are taken.
A video showing a trip to reduce client stress and increase their confidence by exploring the wonders underwater. Ask about a snorkeling/scuba trip to challenge yourself.
Alcohol, Marijuana, and other drugs can lead to relational stress and emotional distancing.
Drug Addiction Treatment should address both the Subst​ance addiction and Emotional dysfunctions.
Unhealthy Couple's communi​cation.
Miscommunication earlier in the day can create further problems later in the day if not resolved. Watch the video and see if you can discover the classic miscommunication with the couple (male versus female communication styles: Content versus Relationship). Be willing to look at yourself. Each page on this website offers specific lessons to be learned. Couples counseling can help or hurt. The more honest a couple is, the more the hurt potential, so both have to be willing to change.
Healthy communicati​on between male and female.
Healthy communicati​on between male and female.
Potential stressors are many but it is how you look at them, your perception of them that determines how much it does or doesn't stress you. Some people hated to wear a mask during Covid but some were able to accept the reality at the time and not overly react. Balance is important, seeing good in the past (even in difficult past times) is important to prevent Harmful Thoughts like Negative Filtering. With the Pandemic a Harmful Thought popping up was Negative Fortune Telling, seeing only doom in the future. Find a balance and learn to challenge the Harmful Thoughts. Unresolved Trauma (PTSD) in an individual's past can create many types of Harmful Thoughts. Evidence base Trauma treatment is a specific approach proven to be effective in reducing the emotional distress that Trauma memories can create.
A family is considered the building block of a society and happy families make a healthier society. Counseling for couples in marriage, anger management therapy, and addiction therapies are just some of the many healing services available in California and Tennessee that will help families attain stability and reconcile their differences.
Receiving marriage counseling for most people seems to emphasize that a married couple​ is in some real trouble, and that getting marriage counseling is sort of a last alternative to saving it from disaster or divorce. It is very unfortunate that we have developed this kind of notion in couples counseling.
Healing Today with Robert Buhrow can help couples improve their love and relationship by working on the marriage problems. Our marriage counseling specialist provides resources for couples to be able to strengthen their marriage by allowing them to identify the key problems of their life and needed solutions. By offering valuable practical advice and a step-by-step process Healing Today with Robert Buhrow will show you how to save your troubled relationship. Also, be aware that unresolved Trauma can be an underlying cause for addictions and relationship problems. This includes: Emotional, Physical, and/or Sexual Abuse.
Healing Today with Robert Buhrow offers professional treatment in both California and Tennessee.
Apart from counseling couples, Healing Today with Robert Buhrow also offers treatment for Addiction, Anger management therapy, Trauma, Anxiety, and Sexual/porn addiction. Faith-based counseling also available.
By identifying the factors which cause these addictions, disorders, anger, and marital tension, and willingness to work on them, our counseling session will be fruitful.
Healing Today with Robert Buhrow specializes in:
· Electro-cranial stimulation
· Prolonged exposure treatment (approved by the Military) for trauma victims
· Evidence based therapy
· (TFCBT)Trauma focused cognitive behavioral therapy for children and teens
· 24 hour treatment access for specialized cases
· Alternative treatment for substance abuse conviction
· Written evaluation for court orders
· Criminal psychological evaluations for court order/defense
· Couples therapy specialized program